Organization of Two (2) days sensitization and orientation workshop on Local Government Service Protocols – Functions of district sub structures — the mandate, duties, and responsibilities of zonal councils in the Keta Municipality.
The two (2) days training workshop was held on 30th March 2022 at Abor (Roman Catholic Church) and 31st March 2022 at Keta (Keta Municipal Assembly Hall). The training workshop brought together a staff of the Keta Municipal Assembly and Members of the seven (7) zonal councils in the municipality.
The objectives of the training workshop were as follows;
• To sensitize and expose participants to the provisions of L.I. 1967 (Urban Zonal and Town Councils and Unit Committees (Establishment) Instrument, 2010
• To appreciate the roles and responsibilities of Zonal Councils in order to promote their full operationalization.
In all one hundred and thirty-two (132) people participated in the training workshop. This comprised of one hundred and ten (110) males and twenty-two (22) females for the two (2) days workshop.