The Keta Municipal Assembly is the highest administrative and political authority in the District. The legislative and deliberative organ of the Assembly is made up of Thirty Two (32) Assembly Members including one (1) Municipal Chief Executive and a Member of Parliament. Thirty two (32) are elected Assembly Members made up of 29 males and 3 females and (10) government appointees which comprises of 8 males and 2 females.
The Members of Parliament and the Municipal Chief Executive are non-voting members of the General Assembly. Keta host a onstituency which is the Keta Constituency. There are (7) Zonal Councils and fifty (22) electoral areas. The Presiding Member is the leader of the General Assembly.
An Executive Committee chaired by the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) performs the executive and administrative functions of the Assembly. The executive, however, excludes the Presiding Member (PM) of the Assembly and operates through the following mandated Sub-committees: Development Planning, Justice and Security; Works, Finance and Administration and Social Service. These sub-committees are responsible for deliberation on specific issues and submitting recommendations to the Executive Committee for onward submission to the General Assembly for ratification.
The Municipal Coordinating Director (MCD) heads the Directorate and it is established to provide secretariat and advisory services to the Executive Committee and the general