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Posted by: Fred Addo
Category: Uncategorized

The exercise commenced at 6:30 am and closed at about 11.30 am. In attendance were the Municipal Environmental Health Officer,Mr.Jerry Ziddah and other officers from the Environmental Health and Sanitation unit in the zone. Assembly member of the electoral area and the Zonal Officer were present,Unit committee members and One Hundred and ninety-Six participants (107 males and 95 females).

Sanitation as a key arear to development needs to be practiced in all area of human life. For this reason, National Day was set aside for all MMDAs to observe on every first Saturday of each month. In the light of this, Keta municipal Assembly for that matter Washa-Wego zonal council was not left out.

the focus was on two (2) communities in the Washa-Wego Zonal Council,  Abor, Weme and Kutsinu, where important designated areas like community center and  refuse disposal site.

The Municipal Environmental Health Officer, in addressing the participants urged them to remain focused towards matters related to good sanitation. He added that clean and good hygiene practices prevent a lot of diseases such as cholera, typhoid. He further cautioned the community members to closely monitored one another and prevent them from practicing open defecation. He concluded his speech by thanking the participants,the leaders for their concern towards solving sanitation problems and appeal for team work in achieving the cleanest community status in the Keta Municipality..

The Assembly member for the area Mr. Adanu in his speech pleaded with the community to change their bad attitudes that threatened the serene environment and show deep commitment toward communal labor. He said that was the safest ways they can together build and develop the community. According to Hon. Adanu, the development of a community does not lie only on one person’s head but rather a collective responsibility and full commitment of its members. He ended his speech by congratulating the participant for their time spent on the clean-up exercise and entreat them to remain committed towards such event since it is the only way to ensure the safety of their community environment.

The final speech to the participant was made by Mr. Richard Agbenyega, a representative from the Washa-Wego zonal council of the Environmental Health Office. His address was mainly focus on maintaining open defecation free environment and make frequent hand washing as part of their lives.

He added that the Environmental Health office is always ready to give advice to anyone on sanitation related activities and entreat the community members to report any person whose action undermine the safety of the environment to the office for them to be punish according to the law.

Author: Fred Addo

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