A Community education and sensitization programme on Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) & Child Labour and Trafficking (CLaT) organized by the Ghana Fisheries Recovery Activity (GFRA) in collaboration with the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development (DSWCD) and Friends of the Nation (FoN) on 10th August, 2022 at the premises of the Kedzi Vocational and Technical School (KEVOTEC). Officials at the meeting included Mad. Faustina Borkloe, Municipal Director of Social Welfare and Community Development, Mad. Celestine Adopley-Atippoe, Unit Head of Community Development, Mr. Samuel Odei Amankwah, Assistant Social Development Officer, Mad. Dziedzorm Bensah, Social Development Assistant, Mad. Babina Safia, Cordinator for GFRA, Mr. Kwasi Johnson of Friends of the Nation (FoN), Mr. Augustus Sedor, Assembly Member for Kedzi, the Chief Fisherman amongs others. In attendance were total of one hundred and fifty persons comprising of forty (40) males and one hundred and ten (110) females