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Posted by: Fred Addo
Category: Administration, Plans

On May 31, the 2nd-Quarter Development Planning Sub-committee meeting, took place in the Municipal Assembly Hall, Keta.

The sub-committee is chaired by Hon. Dr. Samuel Dotse (PhD) with a membership of Five (5) Honourable Assembly Members of the Keta Municipality, and comprises some staff of the Keta Municipal Assembly.

The Honourable Chairman, together with the staff and honourable members of the Development Planning Sub-Committee, deliberated intensively on topics ranging from climate change; rebuilding Keta as an investment area; to the biodiversity issues affecting the Municipality.

Hon. Joel K. Degue reflected on his participation in the Meeting:

“I was delighted to represent as the voice of the people at this event. This is an important milestone, since it will only be possible to find solutions to the global challenges of our time if towns like Keta is involved. Our shared mission includes combating climate change and achieving equitable transformation through, for example, community engagements and sustainable construction.”

The final discussions of the meeting highlighted the role of resilient, sustainable, climate-friendly and public good-oriented towns. Keta sends the clear signal that only with the inclusion of the people at the local level-will international policies like the SDG’s be able to effect change decisively on the ground.”

The meeting marked exciting progress toward KeMA’s vision of a future for inclusive communities and sustainable development of Keta.

Author: Fred Addo

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