In an effort to boost the development of beach soccer in the Keta Municipality in particular and the Region at large, members of the management team of the Keta Municipal Assembly graced the National Beach Soccer League on Sunday with their presence at the Emancipation Soccer Ground. Their primary objectives were to extend moral support to the organizers and players while also identifying potential logistics that could be provided to enhance the league’s operations.
Led by the Municipal Coordinating Director, the management team demonstrated their commitment to promoting sports and nurturing local talent. By attending the beach soccer league, they sought to understand the league’s needs and challenges better, paving the way for strategic partnerships with potential sponsors.
The move reflects the municipality’s dedication to fostering a thriving sports culture and providing opportunities for young athletes to showcase their skills and passion for the sport. With the active involvement of the management team, it is hoped that their collective efforts will attract sponsors, leading to the growth and success of the beach soccer league in the region.