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The Urban Roads Department

The Urban Roads Department

(a) advise the District Assembly on the formulation and implementation of Urban Road Policy in the Region;

(b) collect data for planning and development of the infrastructure in the District;

(c) establish and maintain a database on urban infrastructure in the District

(d) register and maintain records of classified contractors and consultants in the urban road construction industry within the District;

(e) facilitate the prioritization of works and preparation of annual plans for infrastructure works in the District;

(f) assist in preparation of tender documents and tender evaluation;

(g) prepare progress and annual reports on road works in the District;

(h) provide input into the preparation of budget for road maintenance activities;

(i) monitor to ensure that funds from Road Fund and other sources are used for the designated roads in line with approved standards;

(j) assist with evaluation of road designs by consultants; and

(k) facilitate capacity building of contractors and stakeholders in the District.